Beware of the Idiot Drivers

You know what I don’t like? Bad drivers. Those crazy people who create a swath of mayhem and frustration everywhere they go.  And wouldn’t you know, I was the victim of one this morning on my way to Church. (And I know, I know. Motivational speakers are NO ONE’S victims.)

He was, of course, in the left, fast moving lane, going about 15 miles under the speed limit.  I couldn’t get around him because the traffic in the right lane was too heavy.  And while every person within a five block radius of me got through the green light ahead of us, the moment he slowly crept up to it, it turned red and of COURSE, he slammed on his brakes.  Grrrrrr.

At that moment I was able to slip over into the right lane and while I waited at the red light I could see what the man had been doing.  He was reading his mail!  Opening envelopes and reading actual mail!  Unbelievable!

As I drove away I started talking to myself about all this:  “I can’t believe that! What an idiot! That was just ridiculous!”  And as I’m talking, of course, I’m driving.  And as I’m talking and driving, it occurs to me that I’m almost at Church and I don’t have any lipstick on so I start fumbling in my purse for my lipstick.  So now I’m talking, driving and putting on lipstick.  And as I GLANCE in the mirror while I’m talking, driving and putting on lipstick, I see this person (moi?) doing EXACTLY what I was berating that mail reading man for doing!  Multi-tasking behind the wheel!

I HATE it when I do the very thing that I’m annoyed with someone else for doing…

Moral of the story.  Perhaps I shouldn’t be so quick to judge others, AND it might be helpful if I do just ONE thing when I drive:  drive. Hey.  Maybe I just created one less idiot driver.

Linda Larsen,  Humorous Motivational Speaker
Helping people bring their finest, best & happiest self to life!

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A Smiling Linda Larsen

About Author Linda Larsen, CSP, CPAE

Linda Larsen, CSP, CPAE is a Hall of Fame Speaker, former professional actress, best-selling author and serious lover of doggies. Hailed as fall-out-of-your-seat funnny with seriously life-changing content, speaks at conferences and meetings around the world, helping people bring the very best version of themselves to life every day! To talk to Linda about how she can contribute to the success of your next event, call 941-927-4700. Or go to Book Linda Now!

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