Create Amazing Relationships With Flying Eyebrows Baby!

Linda of the Set of Suncoast View with Co-host

As a motivational speaker one of my areas of focus is on how to build strong, healthy, mutually beneficial relationships. As we all know, the quality of our lives is in direct proportion to the quality of our relationships. We also know that one of the best ways to strengthen our relationships is for both people to honestly endeavor to meet the other person’s needs. So what do people need?

Dr. Phil McGraw once wrote that the number one need of most people is acceptance, and their number one fear was rejection. He went on to say that if we wanted to lead, manage or influence people effectively, that we should treat them in a way that enhances or protects their self-esteem.

Enter Flying Eyebrows.

My son, Miles, once remarked to me that you when you encountered someone you knew, you could instantly tell if they really liked you or not. When I asked him how, he said, “The moment they see you, they break into a big smile and their eyebrows go flying off the top of their head.”

It’s true, right? It’s almost as if when the person sees you, their first thought is, “Oh my gosh, it’s YOU! Wonderful, amazing, fabulous YOU! Just SEEING you makes me happy!” And how does that make YOU feel as the receiver of that smile and those flying eyebrows? Really, really REALLY great. Your self-esteem gets a boost and your relationship with that person gets a little more solid.

Starting now, when you see someone you live with or work with, why not make a conscious choice to smile and engage your flying eyebrows. Take a stack of post-it notes, write #flyingeyebrows on them and place them all around your home and in your workspace. Then go for it.

Flying Eyebrows, baby!

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A Smiling Linda Larsen

About Author Linda Larsen, CSP, CPAE

Linda Larsen, CSP, CPAE is a Hall of Fame Speaker, former professional actress, best-selling author and serious lover of doggies. Hailed as fall-out-of-your-seat funnny with seriously life-changing content, speaks at conferences and meetings around the world, helping people bring the very best version of themselves to life every day! To talk to Linda about how she can contribute to the success of your next event, call 941-927-4700. Or go to Book Linda Now!

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